September 2023

The Cross and Orb

The Sanctuary Cross and Orb depicting our calling to take up the cross and follow Jesus

Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."

~ Matthew 16:24

The Cross and Orb are a dominant presence in the Sanctuary. The symbol, which is used to identify St. Stephen in all our public correspondence, is a reminder of the primary calling of each of us in our baptism. As Jesus said to His disciples, we are each to take up the cross, follow Him, and share is love with the world. The Orb that encircles the cross is a reminder of exactly that message. The cross of Jesus and everything it represents is not to be hidden, but shared with the world.

When the construction of the current St. Stephen sanctuary was nearly completed in in 1985, a group of members hoisted the cross in the center of the church to its place high above. As it was being lifted, the hymn “Lift High the Cross” was being sung. For this reason, the hymn serves as the theme for St. Stephen’s Fiftieth Anniversary year.

After its original installation, the central hanging cross and orb was higher and less visible than many thought it should have been; the top of the cross being very near the peak of the building.  Duane Pitts of Morton Electric, Inc., took his crew and lowered it to where it hangs today.