St. Stephen
On October 14, 1973, 139 people joined together and chartered the congregation. Worshiping at Christ Church, Episcopal in old Longwood. On May 2, 1976 A dedication of the original Sanctuary and offices (now the Learning Center, Music Room, and Nursery) took place. In June of 1983 ground was broken for the current Sanctuary. In June of 1991 the Pavilion was built. On June 21,1992 another groundbreaking took place to build the current Parish Hall and Administration offices.
While it is important to see the timeline for the development of our facilities, the most important things have happened through the ministries here at St. Stephen. We have always been a church of the community, through our NABHRS program, Better Living for Seniors program, Meals on Wheels, feeding the homeless at the Coalition for the Homeless, and supporting the Christian Sharing Center.
We have and continue to be a congregation that reaches out beyond our community to serve others with sponsoring Missionaries, World Hunger programs, Relief programs with many quilts and supplies for those in need, Multiple Mission trips both within the United States and abroad.
The congregation is one that loves children and supporting households of all ages and types. We have always had vibrant youth ministries and children's ministries along many opportunities for adults to grow in their faith and spiritual journeys.
In 2012, we completed construction on our Community Life Center which now houses space for the community along with providing education space for all ages. In 2013, we opened Stepping Stones Early Childhood Center in this new building as we plan to continue to grow and reach out to our community. We believe what God is doing here is only the beginning and we invite you to come and join us as we follow Jesus and share his love within our community and beyond!
St. Stephen is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). For more information about the ELCA Lutheran Tradition, you may visit the ELCA's website where you can find information about What ELCA Lutherans Believe, social statements the ELCA has made, and a journal of Lutheran Ethics. If you have specific questions or would like to speak with a Pastor, please feel free to contact St. Stephen.
St. Stephen is associated with the
Florida-Bahamas Synod