St. Stephen Mission Endowment Fund

In 2021, supporters and friends of St. Stephen Lutheran Church created the St. Stephen Mission Endowment Fund to help enhance our mission outreach and ministry programs. We envision that this endowment fund will continue to grow and serve for generations to come.

Our endowment fund provides the opportunity for individuals and groups to make commitments and plans that may not be possible through our annual budget. Examples of programs and projects that may be supported are:

  • Community outreach

  • Social ministries

  • Music and youth programs

  • Global ministries through our ELCA partners

Our Mission

Why Give

All gifts, whatever the size, help grow the mission of St. Stephen Lutheran Church and are appreciated. Endowment funds grow more quickly with additional gifts than by investment return. There are many ways to give to the St. Stephen Lutheran Church Endowment Fund and each offers you maximum tax benefits based on when and how the assets are given.

You can give by:

  • Giving cash, appreciated securities or real estate

  • Giving through a will or living trust

  • Giving Beneficiary proceeds from life insurance and/or retirement plans

Ways to give now

  • Make an immediate outright charitable gift

  • Cash

  • Publicly traded securities

  • Closely held stock

Ways to give later

  • Keep control of assets while living and make a charitable gift upon death

  • Add the endowment to a living will or bequest

  • Provide benefits through a life insurance policy

  • Designate proceeds from retirement assets or annuities

  • Ensure heirs will avoid estate taxes on assets designated for endowment funds

For More Information
(407) 869 - 0491

2140 W SR 434 Longwood, FL 32779

Individuals and families can also create their own donor-advised fund to benefit the St. Stephen Endowment Fund. For more information contact Thrivent at (800) 365 - 4172