Worship Arts Ministry
Worship Arts at St. Stephen are always centered on God. We use our gifts and talents to bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ. From children through adults the emphasis is on praising God, not ourselves. Whether your gift is singing, playing an instrument, dance, computer technology, reading dramatically, or other arts, we encourage everyone to use their unique gifts in service and ministry.
Minister for Worship & Arts: Connie Millberg
Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir meets to rehearse on Wednesdavs from 7:30-9pm. They lead in worship weekly at the Sunday 9AM, 11AM or Saturday 6PM service (as scheduled). They also lead in worship as scheduled for Christmas Eve, Easter and other special worship presentations during December and Good Friday.
Reading music is helpful but not required. Rehearsal is in the Worship Arts Room in the CLC building.
High school age-adults
Music Leaders
Our Worship Music Leader Team leads, as scheduled, at our weekend Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9am & 11am worship services (as scheduled). The team that leads on Saturdays has a required rehearsal on the same scheduled Saturday beginning at 4:30pm. The team that leads for the 9am Sunday worship service has a required rehearsal on Tuesday the week scheduled to serve from 7-8:30pm and another warm-up on Sunday beginning at 8:15am. A high level of musicianship is required for this team and requires approval by the Minister for Worship & Arts before joining.
Rehearsal is in the Sanctuary.
High school age-adults
Tech Team for Worship
Our Tech Team is comprised of 3 teams-computer, camera and sound. Each member serves as scheduled. Our Minister for Worship & Arts trains the members of the Computer Tech Team. Our Minister for Sound trains the members who work the sound board and/or camera for worship.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings as they prepare to lead in worship monthly, Christmas Eve, and Easter. Reading music and a commitment to weekly rehearsals is necessary.
High school age-adults
Christmas & Easter Choirs
The Christmas & Easter Celebration Choirs lead in worship on Christmas Eve & Easter Sunday as scheduled. Reading music is a plus but not required. Please check with our Minister for Worship & Arts about rehearsal times. Rehearsal is in the Worship Arts Room in the CLC building.
High school age-adults
Music Camp
Music Camp is an annual week-long event happening the last week in June.
Children work on a different musical each year. Activities during the day include: singing, dancing, drama, outside play, inside games, small group studies, snacks, and crafts. Thursday is Water Slide Day. The week culminates in a final performance on Friday night. There is a fee for Music Camp. Registration opens March 1 each year and fills very quickly.
Completed Kindergarten-completed 7th grade
Volunteers completed 8th grade-adults (All volunteers are required to complete our child safety training; those over 18 are background checked)
Children’s Worship Arts
Children's Worship Arts is a FREE program open to St. Stephen & surrounding community. CWA meets Wednesdays 5:30-6:45PM as scheduled. Sign-in is in the CLC building. All leaders are child safety certified & committed to sharing God's love through creative arts.
Students VPK-8th grade